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2020, HDV, 2:35, color, sound, 12’ 30’’.
Original Score by Tomás Barreiro.

DAS NEUE ATHEN (The New Athens)
During the decline of the West, the Mother Culture lost the control of its own destiny. Yorgos is a Greek homeless man stuck in a monotone life, when a trip to the old ruins wakes him up. After finding some pieces of the broken Europe, he sets the fire to offer them a second chance.

This is a fictionalised document telling a story of second chances and redemption. Following the so-called Greek debt crisis and its consequences since the early 2010's, I decided to make this film as a possible answer to the Present time, in which the European Project seems to be in a clear decline. This film is political in its particular way. Not from explaining the necropolitical agenda of the neoliberals, nor their punishment methods; but by constructing a plot in which the character (a Greek homeless person), the title (in German language) and the coins (the Euro as a currency), are all of them clues to imagine the reason related to the very last defeat.

Far from the official narratives of Varoufakis and Schäuble, this recent age brought millions of small stories that, as Yorgos' one, are part of an untold present.

DAS NEUE ATHEN (La Nueva Atenas)
En el contexto de la decadencia de Occidente, la cultura matriz perdió el control sobre su propio destino. Ruinas del pasado y ruinas del presente se miran a los ojos cuando Yorgos, un hombre griego sin hogar, se reencuentra con su pasado histórico. El fuego limpia, el fuego purifica y todo comienza nuevamente.

Este cortometraje es un documento ficcionalizado que cuenta la historia de una civilización que se convirtió en una ruina de múltiples capas, esta última vez a causa de una crisis financiera. El personaje (un indigente), título (en alemán) y las monedas (el Euro como divisa), son todas pistas para imaginar la principal razón de esta última debacle.

Lejos de las narrativas oficiales de Varoufakis y Schäuble, esta época reciente trajo millones de pequeñas historias que, como aquella de Yorgos, son parte de un presente que permanece aún sin contar.